
Understanding JavaScript Symbol - A Unique Identifier

In JavaScript, Symbol("Siamak") is a way to create a unique identifier.

Symbols are a special data type in JavaScript. Even if you create two symbols with the same description ("Siamak" in this case), they will always be unique.

Key Points About Symbols

  1. Creating a Symbol:

    const mySymbol = Symbol("Siamak");
    console.log(mySymbol); // Outputs: Symbol(Siamak)
  2. Uniqueness:

    Even if you do this:

    const symbol1 = Symbol("Siamak");
    const symbol2 = Symbol("Siamak");
    console.log(symbol1 === symbol2); // Outputs: false

    The two symbols are different, even if they have the same description.

  3. Why Use Symbols?

    • Object Properties: Symbols can be used as unique keys for object properties. They avoid naming conflicts because no two symbols are the same.
    • They are useful for creating "hidden" properties that won't conflict with other keys.

Practical Example: Avoiding Key Conflicts

Here's how to use a Symbol to avoid property name conflicts in an object.

// Example with Symbols
const symId = Symbol("id");

const user = {
   name: "Siamak",
   [symId]: 12345 // Symbol is used as a unique property key

// Outputs: { name: 'Siamak', [Symbol(id)]: 12345 }

// Accessing the Symbol property
console.log(user[symId]); // Outputs: 12345

// Another script cannot accidentally overwrite this property:
user["id"] = 67890; // Regular key
console.log(; // Outputs: 67890 (regular key)
console.log(user[symId]); // Still Outputs: 12345 (symbol key is untouched)

Key Benefits

  • Symbols Prevent Key Overlaps: The Symbol key (symId) and the regular string key ("id") don't clash.
  • Hidden Properties: Symbols don't show up in regular or Object.keys() loops.

This makes symbols very useful for internal object properties that you want to stay hidden or unique.