
A Simple Space for Thoughts and Stories

I've always thought about starting a blog, but as someone who isn't particularly skilled at managing social media or drawn to paid platforms like Medium (I think knowledge should be free for everyone), I decided to carve out my own corner of the internet. This blog is my space to share thoughts, experiences, and ideas freely with the world.

This is just the beginning, and I'm not entirely sure where it will lead, but I'm excited about the journey ahead.

What This Blog is About

This blog isn't tied to any specific topic like tech or programming. It's more about capturing my thoughts and experiences on a variety of subjects. I'll be sharing reflections, stories, and ideas, and I hope you'll enjoy reading them as much as I enjoy writing them.

I plan to keep the posts simple and concise, something you can read in just a few minutes and get back to your day.

How This Blog is Built

All the posts here are written in plain Markdown files. I find this approach the simplest and most maintainable way to run a blog. Maybe down the line, I'll share a post about how I built this website using Next.js and MDX.

Thanks for stopping by!